
24 juin 2008, Victoria Park, Londres

"The Telegraph" a publié une critique du concert assez mitigée. Le journaliste considère que les chansons intimistes étaient un peu déplacées, pour un concert en plein air dans un parc immense (et plein de noceurs…).

Take Nude for example. Listen to it alone in the dark on your headphones and it’s a cloudless dream of a ballad; last night, though, it was as light footed as a hippo in diving boots.

Par contre, les chansons plus punchy étaient "comme Hulk qui fait exploser sa camisole de force" – The National Anthem et Just ont apparemment mis le feu! (comme d’hab’!)

(voilà la seule vidéo trouvée pour l’instant pour National. malheureusement le public chante tellement fort au début qu’on ne sait même pas si Thom chante ou pas…)

> setlist: (petites surprises: The Tourist, Climbing up the Walls et Dollars and Cents, rarement jouées, et Cymbal Rush)

1.15 Steps
3.All I Need
4.National Anthem
5.Pyramid Song
7.Weird Fishes
8.The Gloaming
9.Dollars and Cents
10.Faust Arp
11.There There
13.Climbing up the walls
15.Everything in its Right Place
16.How to Disappear Completely
17.Jigsaw Falling into Place

Rappel 1
20.Bangers and Mash
21.Planet Telex
22.The Tourist

rappel 2
23.Cymbal Rush
24.You and Whose Army?

update: une analyse bien plus enthousiaste, et de chouettes photos sur Gigwise

> article complet (voir description de "ce que danser veut dire pour un fan de Radiohead"…)


[quote ]

Radiohead’s London concert disappoints


Radiohead shouldn’t be suited to gigs, or at least not gigs of this size and setting.

Wrong place, wrong time: Some of Radiohead’s songs felt out of sync with the park’s rowdy atmosphere

Their songs are so introverted, private, self scrutinising; recurrent lyrical themes are loneliness, paranoia, alienation. A sprawling city centre park swollen with whooping revellers isn’t their most natural backdrop.

But last night in London, at the first of their world tour’s British gigs, Radiohead showed that they remain a dependably surprising live band. It helps that their back catalogue is so large and varied, and that they’re generous – or restless – enough to plunder different parts of it at every gig. You could follow them across the planet and hear a new selection of songs each night (Not that this carbon footprint conscious bands would want you to attempt such an odyssey unless you were travelling by say, roller skates).

They began with songs from their most recent album In Rainbows: a shuffling 15 Step, a hectic Bodysnatchers, a woozy All I Need. Understandable – bands almost always savour their newest stuff live. Shame so few of the songs from In Rainbows work at big open air gigs. They’re just too slow. Take Nude for example. Listen to it alone in the dark on your headphones and it’s a cloudless dream of a ballad; last night, though, it was as light footed as a hippo in diving boots.

The fastest songs worked much better. The National Anthem, that bass powered colossus from Kid A, was so good that people were almost dancing (well, as close as Radiohead fans get to dancing – a combination of nodding the head and nervily flexing the knees, like a schoolboy desperate for the lavatory). After a spell of maudlin meandering, the sky cracking There There from Hail To The Thief and Just, from The Bends, came as both a release and a relief. It felt like watching the Incredible Hulk bust out of a straightjacket.

But after that bracing brace, they lapsed into incongruously slow songs again. It’s hard to know what to say about it. Two mid songs, How To Disappear Completely, You and Whose Army – brilliant songs, all played brilliantly. It was perhaps just the wrong place, the wrong time, the wrong atmosphere for them. But in the end, Radiohead are one of the few bands who can get away with that. Because you can be pretty sure that tonight, and at their two subsequent British gigs, they’ll play a different kind of set altogether.



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24 juin 2008, Londres, Victoria Park

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