Westboro Baptist Church
Le groupe de chrétiens fondamentalistes ‘Westboro Baptist Church’ a protesté contre la tenue d’un concert de Radiohead à Kansas City le 11 mars 2012…
Nigel Godrich a posté une photo de la manifestation avec un petit trait d’humour ; pour lui, il s’agit de l'”highlight of the tour” :
L’église reprochent aux musiciens anglais d’être des “freak monkeys with mediocre tunes (…)You try to get the people to look at the nonsense and not the Wrath of God that abides upon them. ‘Look at the circus monkey over there and the fluffy setting, blah blah…Meanwhile, God is undoing this nation and effecting all of your lives, with the moth that quietly eats the very fabric of your national garment. Radiohead is just such an event.“
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